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March 11, 2006

Arms Race

Originally uploaded by Square714.

Alternate title: "Photograph: Funny Human Being (Circa 2006 AD)"

Oh Puneet, I love it when you break out the engineering diagrams when discussing everyday events. Why yes, it seems that your right is longer than your left. Way to make lemonade from the lemons.

On that note, I could really go for some lemonade right now. I was up this morning at 3am in order to catch a bus, in order to catch a plane, in order to catch another bus, in order to get to Karen's place in Chi-town. I'm here now, but over-tired and under-slept (despite a glorious 3 hour nap this afternoon). Either way, lemonade would do me some good.

Posted at March 11, 2006 04:23 PM


ah yes...that puneet is a funny one.

Posted by: Cin at March 15, 2006 04:06 AM